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below are the information of some hotels which are near to the exhibition.

1-  Azadi
Tel: +9821-29112, +9821-22344444, Fax: +9821-22344478

Reservation: +9821-29112, Fax: +9821-22344465, Email:




2- Esteghlal

 Crossroads of Dr. Chamran Exprrssway & Valie-Asr Ave. Tehran-Iran

Tel (+98 21) 22 66 00 11-25

P.O.Box: 19395-4673

Post Code: 1999813565


Email: reservation@esteghlalhotel.com

Tel: (+98 21) 22 66 00 11-25 (Ext: 511)

Fax: (+98 21) 22 66 00 31



3- Evin

 Yadegar Highway, South Chamran Highway off ,Parsian Evin Hotel ,Tehran -Iran

 Reservation Department


Phone No: +98 21 22344333/ 270500

Fax No: 22344344



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